Ending ‘visa hopping’ 澳洲再出新规限制“跳签”
A key commitment in the Migration Strategy, released last year, was to restrict ‘visa hopping’ - ending the loopholes that allow students and other temporary visa holders to continuously extend their stay in Australia, in some cases indefinitely.
As noted in the Migration Strategy, the numbers of international students staying in Australia on a second, or subsequent student visa has grown by over 30 per cent to more than 150,000 in 2022–23.
Peter McDonald, a renowned Australian demographer, recently said that severely curtailing visa hopping by accepting fewer visa applications from people already in the country would better manage population growth than cuts to the permanent migration intake.
The Government has already taken action to address this, by using no further stay conditions on visitor visas and through the Genuine Student requirement implemented in March which has stopped thousands of students from hopping from student visa to student visa unless there is credible course progression. This complements more than a dozen other policies already implemented that are helping restore integrity in the international student system, such as ending unrestricted work rights and the former Government’s COVID visa.
On 1 July, the Albanese Government is taking this a step further.
Firstly, Visitor Visa holders will not be able to apply for Student Visas onshore. The visitor to student pathway has become increasingly prevalent, with over 36,000 applications since 1 July 2023 to the end of May 2024.
This measure closes a pathway that has been used to attempt to subvert the Government’s strengthened offshore student visa integrity measures.
Secondly, Temporary Graduate Visa holders will not be able to apply for Student Visas onshore. In their recent Graduates in Limbo report, the Grattan Institute found that 32 per cent of Temporary Graduate Visa holders are returning to study when their visa expires in order to prolong their stay in Australia.
This change makes it clear that graduates should be finding skilled jobs and becoming permanent residents, or departing the country when they are more likely to become ‘permanently temporary’.
These changes support a range of other changes that are being implemented for Temporary Graduate visa holders on 1 July. These include significantly shorter post-study work rights, reduced age limits from 50 to 35 years of age, and increased English language requirements which were implemented in March.
Together, these changes will continue to reduce net overseas migration, with the Government on-track to halve net overseas migration by next financial year.
澳洲政府又出新规了,这次受影响的是跳签(visa hopping)。
澳洲政府早在去年发布的《移民战略》中,就有一项关键承诺是限制“跳签” — 弥补允许学生和其他临时签证持有者不断延长在澳大利亚逗留时间的漏洞。因此已经采取了一些行为来应对这一问题,比如:不再对访客签证附加任何停留条件;通过 3 月份实施的真正学生要求(the Genuine Student requirement),阻止了数千名学生在课程进展不佳的情况下从一个学生签证跳到另一个学生签证;其他还有诸如终止不受限制的工作权利和前政府的 COVID 签证。
7 月 1 日,针对限制“跳签”行为阿尔巴尼斯政府将采取进一步措施。首先,限制访客签证持有者。访客签证持有人将无法在境内申请学生签证。自2023年7月1日至2024年5月底,访客转学生的路径变得越来越普遍,有超过36,000份申请。其次,限制临时毕业生签证。临时毕业生签证持有人将无法在境内申请学生签证。Grattan Institute在最近的《毕业生困境》报告中发现,32% 的临时毕业生签证持有人在签证到期后会重续学业,以延长在澳大利亚的逗留时间。
Migration Program planning levels 2024-25澳洲新财年移民配额公布
On 14 May 2024, the Australian Government announced that the planning levels for the 2024–25 permanent Migration Program (Migration Program) will be set at 185,000 places.
The permanent Migration Program will help fill skills shortages in priority sectors and prioritise visa processing for regional Australia while we are building the domestic pipeline of highly skilled workers.
The 2024–25 Migration Program also recognises the strong contribution all migrants make to social cohesion. It focuses on strengthening family and community bonds in Australia.
A well-targeted, skills focussed Migration Program supplements the cohort of working-age people. It helps boost participation rates and the size of the labour force.
The 2024–25 permanent Migration Program has the following composition:
Skill stream (132,200 places, approximately 71 per cent of the program) – This stream has been designed to improve the productive capacity of the economy and fill skill shortages in the labour market, particularly those in regional Australia.
Family stream (52,500 places, approximately 28 per cent of the program) – This stream is predominantly made up of Partner visas, enabling Australians to reunite with family members from overseas and provide them with pathways to citizenship. Of this stream:
40,500 Partner visas are estimated for 2024–25 for planning purposes, noting this category is demand driven.
3,000 Child visas are estimated for 2024–25 for planning purposes, noting this category is demand driven.
Special Eligibility stream (300 places) – This stream covers visas for those in special circumstances, including permanent residents returning to Australia after a period overseas.
· 雇主担保配额从36,825增至44,000,成新计划中的最大赢家
· 边远地区及州担保配额均获得增加
· 独立技术移民从30,375降至16,900,几乎减半
· 商业投资移民继续保持关闭
· 全球人才签证将被新签证取代
澳大利亚政府曾于去年底发布了移民战略,要提高海外学生和临时毕业生签证的英语语言要求,学生签证的英语语言要求将从雅思5.5提高至6.0,研究生签证雅思6.0提高至6.5,这一政策将于明天(2024年3 月 23 日)开始实施!
从2024 年3月23日起递交的所有学生和临时毕业生签证申请要按以下英文要求:
学生签证英语水平要求的最低分数从雅思(IELTS) 5.5提高到6.0(或同等水平)。
对就读语言强化课程(ELICOS)及配套课程的雅思(IELTS) 最低分数从4.5 提高到 5.0(或同等水平)。
就读公认的大学预科或衔接课程的学生,英语语言培训要求雅思5.5 分(或同等水平),这些认可的课程将在移民局的网站上列出了。
对于仅通过ELICOS 学习英语的学生来说,不会有任何变化。
临时毕业生签证所需的最低雅思成绩从6.0 提高到 6.5(或相当于网站上指定的),每门最低分数为 5.5(听书读写每门)。
来自香港和英国国民海外(BNO) 的护照持有者无需满足此要求。该群体保持在雅思6.0(或同等水平)(听书读写每门)。
根据移民法(Migration Act)规定,劳动力市场测试(Labour Market Testing, LMT)是在递交雇主担保类签证时强制实施的,旨在确保雇主在担保海外员工之前首先对澳洲本地人才市场进行了市场测试、并优先为本地劳动力提供工作机会。
这次劳动力市场测试新文书从本年度7月4日开始施行,于2028年10月1号结束。其中影响到的签证类型有482签证,457签证, 494签证。
移民小编细心整理了一下这次移民改革内容 为各位感兴趣了解雇主担保签证的客户们划出了以下重点。
招聘广告必必须在澳洲政府 Workplace Australia网站( https://www.workforceaustralia.gov.au) 和其他两个或多个澳洲招聘平台上公开发布广告。招聘广告必须是英文。
457 482临时工作签证(短期职业清单)也有机会收获澳洲绿卡?
从2022年7月1号起, 澳洲移民政府决定,凡是在 2020年2月1号到2021年12月14号期在澳洲至少呆满一年的TSS482签证持有者(短期职业清单) ,以及满足符合TSS 482临居转ENS 186永居签证的担保和签证申请条件,则有机会在2024年7月1号前递交永居申请.
同时,凡是在2020年2月1号到2021年12月14号期间在澳洲持有TSS482临时工作签证(短期职业清单)至少一年,申请并持有不超过2次TSS482临时工作签证(短期职业清单),同时满足TSS482临居转ENS 186永居签证的担保和签证申请条件,则有机会在2023年7月1之前递交永居申请。
澳丰集团拥有多年移民经验协助海内外有资质客户申请雇主担保类别签证。 如果您有任何关于担保和工作签证的问题,请和我们公司的移民律师取得联系进行申请资质评估。
当然,不是所有临时签证申请人都有机会被豁免体检检查。如果您对自己的临时签证申请有任何疑问,欢迎联系我们公司的持牌移民顾问info@ausfeng.com.au,或致电Tel: +612 9261 2200
2022年10月底 澳洲移民部长Clare O’Neil颁发了新指令 Minister Direction No.100 明确优先 审批部分技术类型签证(比如190/189/491/887)以及雇主担保类型签证! 同时, 新指令也强调,签证申请人如果在递交临别或永久签证的时候位于海外,也将享有签证审批优先权!
移民小编今天和大家掰一下 哪些申请人是此次新指令的受益者 (优先权按照排序从上到下降低)
雇主担保类型签证申请人的公司是Approved sponsor with accredited status, 也就是该类公司具备政府认证资格。 您的担保公司是否具备资格,更多信息可以按照本文末端联系方式和公司的澳洲持牌移民代理联系。
计入移民计划的签证申请的永久以及临时签证子类别。 (此次不包括188商业创新与投资临时签证)
这份最新的移民指令有明文强调 海外签证申请人将获优先审批!
124子签证 杰出人才签证
186子签证 雇主担保签证
187子签证 边远地区雇主担保签证
188子签证 商业创新和投资临时签证
189子签证 独立技术移民签证
190子签证 州担保技术移民签证
191子签证 边远地区州担保技术移民永久签证
457子签证 雇主担保临时签证
482子签证 雇主担保临时签证 (取代457签证)
491子签证 边远地区州担保技术移民临时签证
494子签证 边远地区雇主担保临时签证
858子签证 澳洲杰出人才永久签证
887子签证 边远地区永久签证
888子签证 商业创新和投资永久签证
承接上文, 以下健康医疗以及教育职位审批优先程度排名不分先后
a. ANZSCO Sub-major Group 25 - Health Professionals 卫生专业人员
b. ANZSCO Minor Group 241 - School Teachers 学校老师
c. ANZSCO Minor Group 411 - Health and Welfare Support Workers 社会保健福利援助员工
d. ANZSCO Unit Group 1341 - Child Care Centre Managers 幼教中心经理
e. NZSCO Unit Group 2346 - Medical Scientists 医学家
f. ANZSCO Unit Group 2721 – Counsellors 咨询师
g. ANZSCO Unit Group 2723 - Psychologists 心理医生
h. ANZSCO Unit Group 2725 - Social Workers 社会福利工作者
i. ANZSCO Unit Group 3112 - Medical Technicians 医疗技术员
j. ANZSCO occupations:
i. 134311 - School Principal 学校校长
ii. 421111 - Child Care Worker 幼教中心员工
iii. 423111 - Aged or Disabled Carer. 老年残疾照顾专业人士
iv. 423312 - Nursing Support Worker 护理支持工作者
v. 423313 - Personal Care Assistant 个人护理助理
澳丰集团下有多位经验丰富的持牌移民律师,在过去24年里为上千位境内外移民客户第一时间把握最佳移民时机,顺利拉到澳洲绿卡。 如果您有任何关于澳洲临时或永久签证选择以及申请的疑惑,您可以随时发邮件到info@ausfeng.com.au,我们的持牌移民律师会第一时间为您解答疑惑。
Australia reopens international border to fully vaccinated tourists after two-year travel ban lifted
From 21 February 2022, all visa holders who are fully vaccinated for international travel purposes can travel to Australia without a travel exemption. Unvaccinated visa holders will still need to be in an exempt category or hold an individual travel exemption to enter Australia.
Travel restrictions and exemptions
Australian citizens, permanent residents, New Zealand citizens usually resident in Australia and visa holders who are fully vaccinated for international travel purposes can travel to Australia without needing to apply for a travel exemption.
If you do not meet Australia’s vaccination requirements for international travel you are not eligible to travel to Australia without a travel exemption, unless you are automatically exempt.
Travel restrictions are subject to change in response to the circumstances surrounding COVID-19. You can stay informed with the latest updates by checking this page regularly.
If you are transiting through Australia further information can be found at Transiting Australia.
Exemption requests to escort Australian citizen or permanent resident minors
Travel exemptions may be granted to people escorting Australian citizen or permanent resident minors to travel to Australia. This is to ensure the safety and welfare of the child or children during travel.
Travel exemptions for this category are generally approved under the following circumstances:
one guardian for each child under the age of 2 years will generally be approved
only one guardian within the same family group for multiple children over the age of 2 years will generally be approved
additional guardians may be considered on a case-by-case basis if medical advice and evidence is provided.
Unless exceptional circumstances apply, people escorting Australian citizen or permanent resident minors to Australia should be a relative (for example, aunt, uncle, grandparent).
Temporary visa holders
Temporary visa holders in Australia can depart Australia at any time, however, if not fully vaccinated for international travel purposes, they may require an exemption to return to Australia. More information can be found at Temporary visa holders returning home.
Exempt categories
You are automatically exempt from the travel restrictions and can enter Australia (without obtaining an individual exemption) if you are:
an immediate family member of an Australian citizen or permanent resident*
a New Zealand citizen usually resident in Australia and their immediate family members
a diplomat accredited to Australia, including their immediate family members (each member of the family unit must hold a valid subclass 995 visa)
a person recruited under the Government approved Seasonal Worker Program or Pacific Labour Scheme
a person who holds a Business Innovation and Investment (subclass 188) visa
a person who holds a Temporary Activity (subclass 408) visa in the ‘Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery Event’ stream and who is supported by the Global Business and Talent Attraction Taskforce
a person invited or sponsored by the Australian Defence Force or the Department of Defence to undertake military activities
a person who has a prescribed status and is seeking to enter Australia on a Special Purpose visa
a visa holder who is fully vaccinated for international travel purposes (from 21 February 2021)
*NOTE: If you hold a temporary visa and believe you are an immediate family member, you will need to request a travel exemption through the travel exemption portal prior to travel
Individual exemptions
You can request an individual exemption if you are unvaccinated or not able to prove you meet Australia’s definition of fully vaccinated for international travel purposes.
An individual travel exemption will not be approved solely on the basis of a claim that you do not meet the Australia’s definition of fully vaccinated for international travel purposes. Clear and specific evidence is required to demonstrate that you meet one of the travel exemption categories listed below.
If you do not meet Australia’s definition of fully vaccinated for international travel purposes, you may be considered for an individual travel exemption by the Commissioner of the Australian Border Force or decision makers if you are:
a foreign national travelling at the invitation of the Australian Government or a state or territory government authority for the purpose of assisting in the COVID-19 response
a foreign national whose entry into Australia would be in the national interest, supported by the Australian Government or a state or territory government authority
providing critical or specialist medical services, including air ambulance, medical evacuations and delivering critical medical supplies
a foreign national with critical skills or working in a critical sector in Australia
a foreign national sponsored by your employer to work in Australia in an occupation on the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL)
a person who resides on a vessel that seeks safe port at the closest appointed port for reprovisioning or safety reasons for a limited duration, supported by the relevant State or Territory government where safe haven is sought
a student who has been selected to take part in an International Student Arrivals Plan that has been approved by the relevant state or territory government, and endorsed by the Department of Education, Skills and Employment as satisfying the Protocols and Preconditions for International Student Arrivals.
a student in your final three years of study of a medical university degree, where you have evidence of a confirmed placement in an Australian hospital or medical practice. The placement must commence within the next two months, and provide medical services to the Australian public.
a higher degree research student enrolled in an Australian education institution (including Masters by research and PhD students) with evidence of a current research grant from a Commonwealth agency or support from a relevant government agency outlining why the research is considered essential and/or in Australia’s national interest and how their role is critical to the research.
a student completing year 11 and 12, with endorsement from the Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE), and support from the relevant state or territory government health and education authorities. Further information regarding this process can be found at the Department of Education, Skills and Employment website.
a student in the final two years of study of a dental, nursing or allied health profession university degree, where you have evidence of a confirmed placement in an Australian hospital or medical practice which begins within the next two months.
travelling for compassionate and compelling reasons.
an unvaccinated Prospective Marriage (subclass 300) visa holder in the following circumstances:
where the subclass 300 visa has been granted; and the subclass 300 visa application was lodged at least 12 months before submitting a travel exemption request. This means if you applied for a subclass 300 visa on or before 18 August 2020, and you have now been granted your subclass 300 visa; you are eligible for an inwards travel exemption on 18 August 2021.
You must hold a visa and either be automatically exempt or have a travel exemption before you travel to Australia. You can request a travel exemption online and must provide appropriate evidence to support your claims. Requests may be finalised without further consideration if insufficient evidence is provided. All documents need to be officially translated into English.
Compassionate and compelling reasons to travel
The Commissioner of the Australian Border Force may grant you an individual exemption if you are seeking to travel for compassionate and compelling reasons. Compassionate and compelling reasons include, but are not limited to, needing to travel due to the death or critical illness of a close family member.
You need to apply for an exemption at least two weeks, but not more than two months, before your planned travel.
Your request must include:
traveller details: name, date of birth, visa type and number, passport number
proposed residential address and phone number in Australia
your reasons for coming: why you should be granted an exemption
a supporting statement: setting out how you meet one of the grounds for an exemption
accompanying evidence.
If you are not granted an exemption, you should not continue with your travel plans, as you will not be permitted to board a flight to Australia. If you are granted a travel exemption, you need to take evidence of that exemption decision to the airport.
If you are travelling due to the death or critical illness of a close family member, you can apply inside this timeframe and we will prioritise your application.
Request a travel exemption
If you do not meet an exempt category you can request an individual exemption to Australia's travel restrictions online using the Travel Exemption portal.
Most travel exemption requests are finalised within 7 days. Complex requests may take longer.
In order to travel, you will need both an exemption and a visa. To complete a travel exemption request you should hold a visa, or have applied for a visa, and provide information and documents to support your request. Requests may be finalised without further consideration if insufficient evidence is provided. This may include the following:
proof of identity
evidence that you hold a valid visa or have lodged a valid visa application
travel itinerary
marriage, birth, death certificate/s
proof of relationship or residence (such as a shared tenancy agreement, joint bank account etc.)
letter from a doctor or hospital, indicating why travel is necessary
letter from an employer indicating why travel is necessary
supporting letter from a business or government agency, advising why your skills are critical
statutory declaration to support your claims.
You need to apply for an exemption at least two weeks, but not more than two months, before your planned travel.
Make only one request per person. Duplicate requests will delay assessment.
If you are not granted an exemption, you should not continue with your travel plans, as you will not be permitted to board a flight to Australia. If you are granted a travel exemption, you will need to take evidence of that exemption decision to the airport.
All people travelling to Australia also need to meet other requirements when preparing to travel to Australia from overseas.
Apply for travel exemptions
International students allowed to work more hours to help ease COVID worker shortage
Foreign students will be allowed to pick up more hours to help alleviate worker shortages as more people are forced into isolation due to Australia's Omicron COVID-19 outbreak.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced the federal government will remove the 40-hour-a-fortnight cap on student visa-holder workers, meaning they will no longer have restrictions on the amount of hours they can work.
Forty-hour work limits on international student visa-holders were lifted for people in the tourism and hospitality industry in May last year.
Mr Morrison encouraged international students to return to Australia, and backpackers are also allowed into the country under working holidays visas, on the condition they are fully vaccinated.
There have been worker shortages in the food distribution and manufacturing industries recently because a large number of workers have had to isolate due to a surge of coronavirus cases.
Emergency services and food distribution workers in New South Wales and Queensland who are close contacts can leave isolation to go to work, if they do not have any symptoms.
High-risk contacts, such as people who are living with a positive COVID-19 case, must take a rapid antigen test every second day until day six of their isolation period.
As of Wednesday next week, Victorian workers in emergency services, education, critical utilities, custodial facilities, transport and freight can be exempt from isolating as close contacts, expanding an exemption that already applies to healthcare and food and drink distribution workers.
Australia's top health panel recommended state and territory leaders consider expanding the number of workers permitted to leave self-isolation.
COVID-19 Temporary Graduate replacement stream
Important: This stream will be available for new applications from mid-2022. Further details will become available over the coming months. Please continue to check back for updates.
The COVID-19 replacement stream is a replacement for the initial Temporary Graduate visa. It is only available for Temporary Graduate visa holders impacted by the Australian travel restrictions. This means people who could not stay in Australia for the full period allowed by their previous Temporary Graduate visa.
The replacement Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa will recognise the commitment made by international students to Australia. It will acknowledge the disruption to plans that COVID-19 and the associated travel restrictions caused.
To be eligible, applicants must:
currently hold, or have held a Temporary Graduate visa that expired on or after 1 February 2020; and
have been outside Australia at any time between 1 February 2020 and 15 December 2021.
In normal circumstances, applicants can only be granted one Temporary Graduate visa, and a further visa is only available on the basis of regional work and study.
Staying in Australia
Applicants will receive the full validity of their initial Temporary Graduate visa. This is determined by the level of their qualification.
The visa costs AUD1,680 for the primary visa applicant. There is also a charge for each family member who applies for the visa with them.
As successful applicants will be granted full validity, the full visa application charge will apply.
Whilst holding this visa
Applicants can live, study and work in Australia temporarily. They must find their own employment if we grant this visa.
Applicants can include members of the family unit in their application when they apply. This includes family members that weren't included in their original Temporary Graduate visa.
Migration program skill stream 2021-22
In 2021-22, the Migration Program Skill stream will continue to focus on visa categories that will help Australia’s economy rebound from COVID-19, with priority given to visa cohorts that drive economic growth, job creation and investment into Australia.
The three priority categories within the Skill stream for 2021-22 are:
Business Innovation and Investment Program
Global Talent Visa Program
Employer Sponsored Program
These visa categories provide investment, talent and critical skills to Australia, and are well positioned to assist Australia’s economic recovery.
New farm working visa to begin in end September
providing pathway to permanent residence for foreigners
Travel exemption options for Fiancé
Border Force has now added Subclass 300 Prospective Marriage visa holders to the list of those who can apply for a Travel Exemption to enter Australia